Integration and Empowerment of Digital Commerce:2024 Chongqing E-commerce Festival and the 6th Double Product Online Shopping Festival Officially Launched

In order to implement the Ministry of Commerce's "2024 Consumption Promotion Year" and the National E-commerce Work Conference, help cultivate new industry formats and models, and unleash the potential of digital consumption, the "2024 Chongqing 6.18 E-commerce Festival and the 6th Double Product Online Shopping Festival" was held from April 28 to June 28.

This event closely follows the theme of "Integration of New Qualities, Empowerment of Digital Commerce", and introduces four major digital commerce empowerment actions: empowering through affordable purchasing and consumption, resource connection, mentoring and sales, and skill training.


Resource Connection

It brought together over 400 consumer goods companies, over 100 livestreamers, experts, and more than 50 e-commerce service companies from Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Chongqing. It aimed to connect resources, build a high-quality and efficient communication platform for brand owners, channel owners, and sales partners, and help more companies find partners that meet their own development needs.

Invite national key e-commerce platforms such as JD and Tiktok to release the western customized e-commerce settlement and development policies, invite domestic leading MCN institutions and key leaders of community group buying platforms such as Kuaitountuan and Quntountuan to release product selection requirements and annual plans. We also set up live streaming rooms for industrial belts and set up special product display areas for "Yuzhong Premium Product" and "Wuxi Good Product" to promote Chongqing premium product to e-commerce companies nationwide.


Enjoy Consumption

Major domestic e-commerce platform partners include JD, Ant Group, Tencent, DCD, Meituan, Freshippo, Suning, Vipshop, and Yichong, and combines food and agricultural products, service industry, and characteristic cultural tourism sectors to launch a series of unique e-commerce promotion activities that integrate different scenarios and innovation models.


CP Debut

"Chongqing Products" is a newly created Chongqing e-commerce public consumption brand created by Chongqing Municipal Commerce Commission. During the E-commerce Festival, more than 100 consumer brands and e-commerce platforms in Chongqing were linked to participate, and companies formed CP to debut, integrating marketing through short videos, posters, live broadcasts, and other forms across the entire network.

Mobilize companies to connect online and offline consumption scenarios, enhance activity participation and exposure through interactive forms such as check-in, liking, city walks, and treasure hunts. This aims to form a two-way attraction between online and offline traffic, ignite topic heat, and increase brand awareness. During the event, participating companies provide exclusive benefits, such as distributing discount packages, exclusive consumption vouchers, and value discounts, to ignite a wave of online sales of consumer goods in Chongqing. It is expected that each merchant will invest a total of over 50 million CNY in benefits.


All Live Streamed

During this e-commerce festival, the second Mountain City Recommendation Officer Event will be held. Themed "Hometown Treasures", during the event, netizens participated in the "Applaud hometown treasures, I am a mountain city recommendation officer". Based on the results, a list of "mountain city recommendation officers" will be released and relevant rewards and support will be given to outstanding individuals.

The Municipal Commission of Commerce also invited MCN institutions to organize high-quality anchors to conduct vertical live streaming activities during the e-commerce festival, focusing on hot pot ingredients, Dazu knives, Chongqing noodles, and other related topics. It also collaborated with Linkong Cloud Warehouse, Banan Highway Logistics Base, and Western Logistics Park to carry out "live streaming warehousing and pricing" activities. Organize automotive companies such as Deepal, Seres, Changan, Avita, and BYD, as well as e-commerce companies such as Bola Network, Caterpillar, and Chugeng, as well as well-known experts in Chongqing, to hold a special automotive live streaming event. At the same time, through a combination of offline training and online practical operations, it aimed to cultivate a group of elite live streaming sales people.


Technological Innovation

In e-commerce, "digital live streaming" is increasingly used for brand marketing. During this e-commerce festival, a special training program on "Digital Live Streaming" was conducted for live streaming e-commerce practitioners in Chongqing, mainly offering practical courses such as digital human anchor technology analysis, live streaming skills and language training, and simulated live streaming drills. At the same time, a "Digital Live Streaming" carnival will be held to enable more enterprises and teams to proficiently master the operational skills of "Digital Live Streaming" through practical experience, striving to discover and cultivate a group of practical digital e-commerce live streaming talents for Chongqing.