Chongqing Increased Support for the First-Store Model

In 2023, Chongqing attracted 31 national first-store brands, 111 regional first-store brands, and 327 urban first-store brands. Around 469 first-store brands opened in major shopping malls, commercial areas, and cultural and creative parks in Chongqing, a new high.

On January 3, 2024, the Chongqing Municipal Commerce Commission held a press briefing on the policy interpretation of "Several Measures to Support the Development of the First-Store Economy". Previously, 10 departments in Chongqing jointly issued the "Several Measures to Support the Development of First-Store Economy" (referred to as the "Measures"), and 15 measures further strengthened the policy support for the development of first-store economy in Chongqing.

In 2024, Chongqing will continue to take the "four first economy" (first store, first brand, first launch, and first show) to activate new consumption momentum, focus on implementing consumption brand quality improvement and expansion actions, and increase support for the first-store economy.


Summary of some policies of the "Several Measures to Support the Development of First-Store Economy"


Support commercial operators to introduce the first-store of well-known brands. For commercial operators (owners of commercial premises or actual operators of commercial premises), a comprehensive assessment will be conducted based on the level, quantity, operational effectiveness, and economic impact of the annual introduction of first-store of commercial brands. According to the assessment results, a financial reward of up to 2 million CNY will be awarded.

Support third-party institutions to assist in introducing first-store brands. Encourage third-party institutions, platforms, and associations to use their own resources and channel advantages to assist Chongqing in docking and attracting first-store of commercial brands. Comprehensively evaluate the level, quantity, and economic impact of assisting in introducing first-store, and provide a financial reward of up to 1 million CNY based on the assessment results.

Support the brand's new product launch and debut. Encourage fashion institutions, well-known brands, designer brands, high-end customized brands, fashionable national fashion brands and other brands with international and domestic influence to launch new products in Chongqing, hold fashion shows, international exhibitions and release activities, and give financial rewards to the event organizers for qualified brand enterprises at the standard of not exceeding 30% of the total cost of event publicity, promotion, venue rent, venue construction, and up to 1 million CNY.

Support the cultivation of heritage brand stores. Encourage the cultivation and establishment of national and Chongqing heritage brand stores, and provide financial incentives for new direct-sales stores (including flagship stores, concept stores, customization stores) with an area of over 200 sq. metres in commercial areas, characteristic streets, tourist attractions, industrial parks, transportation hubs, etc. Those who meet the conditions will be given a financial reward of no more than 30% of the investment and a maximum of 1 million CNY.

Support chain stores' growth. Encourage local companies to "go overseas" for development, and provide comprehensive evaluation for those who open chain direct-sale stores outside Chongqing, carry out functional innovation, formulate compound business formats and cross-border integration, and create influential chain operation brand enterprises. According to the brand influence and the number of stores opened outside Chongqing, they will be given financial incentives according to the standard of not exceeding 15% of the investment and not exceeding 800,000 CNY. Support chain operation companies from outside Chongqing to set up global headquarters, regional headquarters and settlement centres in Chongqing and open direct-sale stores in Chongqing. According to the annual sales volume or retail sales volume, the number of stores opened, they will be given comprehensive evaluation. According to the evaluation results, they will be given financial incentives according to the standard of not exceeding 20% of the investment amount and not exceeding 1 million CNY.

Support the cultivation of "Chongqing flavour" famous products. Chongqing will allocate a special fund of 10 million CNY to support the "going overseas" of authorized products in the categories "Chongqing flavor" and "Three Gorges citrus" to carry out thematic brand promotion activities, and enhance the brand influence of Chongqing agricultural products. Chongqing will support key consumer goods manufacturing enterprises and industry associations to carry out thematic brand promotion activities, and provide financial support to those who actively carry out thematic brand promotion activities and achieve significant results. Chongqing will strengthen the brand of "Chongqing Good Gift", encourage enterprises to support the development of new cultural and creative tourism products that combine traditional craftsmanship and creativity, and give priority to those that are artistic and practical, and provide financial support.


Photos: Chemist Warehouse (CW)