Ministry of Commerce Applauds Chongqing!

On the morning of February 6, the State Council Information Office held a press conference on "ensuring market supply and promoting holiday consumption during the Spring Festival". When responding to a question from a CCTV reporter, Vice Minister of Commerce Sheng Qiuping specifically praised Chongqing's consumption environment.

Sheng Qiuping stated that the Ministry of Commerce has designated this year as the "Year of Consumption Promotion". We will adhere to the dual-wheel drive of "policies and activities", organize a series of consumption promotion activities, introduce more policy measures, and promote the transition of consumption from post-epidemic recovery to continuous expansion, better meeting the people's aspirations for a better life.

Specifically, there are five measures to be implemented, including organizing a series of activities for the "Year of Consumption Promotion", stabilizing and expanding traditional consumption, cultivating and expanding new consumption, expanding service consumption, and optimizing the consumption environment.

Regarding the measures to optimize the consumption environment, Sheng Qiuping mentioned that since 2021, the Ministry of Commerce, together with relevant departments and five cultivating cities, has accelerated the construction of international consumer centers. In 2023, the total retail sales of the five cities increased by 8.4%, which was 1.2% higher than the national growth rate. Among them, Chongqing has been creating new consumption scenarios, showcasing the charm of Chongqing.

In 2023, Chongqing made steady and in-depth progress in the construction of an international consumer center in accordance with the coordinated deployment of the top ten actions of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle "No. 1 Project", focusing on the construction of the "four places" including the international consumption resource gathering place, the international consumption innovation leading place, the international characteristic consumption destination, and the international consumption environment benchmarking place. It has achieved remarkable results in creating new consumption scenarios.



Chinese Article and Photos Source: Chongqing Municipal Commerce Commission